Our Services

Helping business along the road to “Net Zero”.

We are delivering the latest in Technology from “Smart” Electronics to Fuel Additives and Non-Toxic, Bio based Greases and Lubricants

Our Services

We are constantly seeking new products and technology to help our clients improve efficiency in their business and become Carbon Neutral.

One of the latest innovations is a range of Lubricants and Greases which are Bio Based and Non-Toxic.

These are game changers – they not only help the environment but have already proven to be more effective and are now being used in various industries including Wind Farms and recently approved by one of the world’s largest Motor Manufacturers for use in their  facilities.

If your business is looking for Increased Performance and Efficiencies whilst improving its Environmental Credentials, contact us and find out how we can help you.


“Reducing Emissions, Fuel & Maintenance costs”

The combustion Catalyst is proven for more than 30 years to improve combustion releasing more of the available power and reducing emissions and maintenance costs. Suitable for all Petroleum based fuels.

More efficient combustion leads not only to a reduction in  fuel consumption but also reduced CO2, Soot and Particulate emissions as well as gases such as Carbon Monoxide.

Recent trials demonstrated up to 75% reduction in Soot, Smoke PM’s and fuel savings on large haul trucks between 5% and 8%

Marine and Shipping

Achieving Net Zero

Stability and reliability of fuels is nowhere more important than at sea.

Our family of Fuel Additives are proven over more than 30 years to provide a more stable, longer-life to Marine Fuels.  Maintaining quality of fuels in storage for more than 12 months

Originally developed for businesses with “stand-by” diesel storage and the US Military, continuous development has led to one of the most advanced Fuel Additives available.

Provides greater fuel efficiency which is evidence of more complete combustion. More complete combustion produces more useful energy whilst reducing soot and smoke. The combustion catalyst, lubricity and detergent make it the additive of choice for improving fuel performance.  By enhancing stability and demulsifying water it is a good option when dealing with problem fuels. 

It is designed to be soluble in fuel and can be added directly to fuels.

We are reducing emissions and lowering stack temperatures.

Industry - Keeping the Cogs Turning
Without damaging the Environment.

Sustainability is not just about reducing Carbon emissions but also prolonging asset life, reducing maintenance and waste. True sustainability is maintaining what we already own, keeping it in peak condition.

Reducing Friction on bearing surfaces helps maintain machinery in optimal condition.

Plant based non-toxic Bio-degradable lubricants help maintain our environment and planet

We use environmentally friendly plant based, non-toxic, bio-degradable lubricants and greases reducing friction in metal on metal surfaces

Smart Electronics
“Capturing, Saving and Reducing Energy"

Working with our partners we capture, store and save energy. From installation of solar parks, EV charging points, voltage optimisation, battery storage solutions to reducing energy in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

We are reducing CO2 and energy in air conditioning systems. Our patented, proven smart solution – Recipient of many awards saves money with a proven 20% to 40% energy reduction.

Our technology keeps your people and equipment cool and produce chilled whilst delivering substantial energy/carbon emission reductions. Our solution is simple to install without disruption. Is maintenance free and offers an excellent return on investment.